Capturing The Tropical Rainforest

  By the way of a color collection comes my newest necklace line. captures the vibrant and exuberant color palette of the  majestic tropical rainforest, its unexpected yet natural combinations, and the celebration of life that characterizes this corner of paradise. handcrafted and available on a limited number per style.
Each style inspired and crafted after fabulous vegetation, fruits and flowers from the tropical rainforest.
A distinctive handwritten tag made with brown paper bags, exclusively designed for this collection it is only a reflection of  how much we venerate the rainforest and how much care goes into each piece.

order your here

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Vegan Veganos Veganas

Este es uno de nuestros aportes a la celebración de día de los enamorados San Valentín. Una receta para un Queque de Chocolate y Nueces con Fresas.

Porque nosotros, los veganos, también merecemos besitos y cajitas con bobones de chocolate...

Les compartimos el enlace a la receta completa, nuestra contribución a EsEtsy Team